Sunday, August 30, 2009

More disclaiming

Dear lawyers, and other By-the-book people,

This is my personal blog, so anything you read here is not to be connected to past, present and future employers/family_members/neighbors.

Everything here, unless marked otherwise, is written by me. I hope you like, what you read, but you may not. There have been previous critical reactions to my writing.
Sometimes I generalize or abstract for brevity, effect or other reasons. I've been known to occasionally pick the wrong word(ing)s to express the right meaning, with proportional fallout, ... unfortunately.
Obvious, Do-I-Really-Have-To-Mention-This points regularly fall victim to brevity, and occasionally (provocative) statements not anchored in my belief system will be posted for sake of inciting discussion. Be forewarned.

Do not try anything you find described here, unless you are a certified rocket scientist, doctor, wacko, (Jedi-) master, or stunt driver (depending on topic).

I am none of the above, so if -like me- warnings like the above do not discern you, please at least make sure you can recover from anything that might happen.
  • And/Or be confident about bringing all required tools and knowledge to the table.
  • And don't blame me, if you end up with lots of pieces with sharp edges, or expensive paperweights.
You get to keep all the pieces, and bed the losses!

Also, if anything described here happens to be illegal in your particular jurisdiction: This is academic, multi-subject, multi-purpose longterm research material.
However, I'd be glad, if You, Dear Reader, could point out such cases to me, before people come blasting through my doors at ungodly hours.

The wording of the above post will probably evolve to cover the potential holes and pitfalls future readers will hopefully point out to me.

So, if you are versed in Legalese, and have a few moments to spare, please do suggest some wording&phrasing enhancements. Mind you, if at all possible, I'd like to avoid making this post dry reading material :)

Thanks for reading, see you next time

Media consumption - Source of bliss and frustration

We've been playing back music on our Home Stereos for several decades, it's a common scenario. Videos too. Chances are, you've done one or both today already.

But, media playback for regular consumers has -with few (mostly costly) exceptions- been severely limited by One-to-One relations between participating components, e.g. Your DVD player outputs to only one TV at a time, as does your satellite receiver, you have (in most cases) 1 remote-control per device, and it usually only works in 1 room. Most existing playback devices can only hold 1 Media like a disc at a time.
You can probably also see the pattern.
And this is just one of the many annoying problems media playback chains have (inherited).

What we can already do with media is great, don't get me wrong. And most people are happy with the Status Quo. Most people can't even imagine all existing functions, let alone understanding or using them. They seem to be happy with the limited functionality they can elicit from their specific combination of devices and media. I am not!

In my Opinion, above points are justs some of the symptoms of -what I call it- Multimedia Hell.

Now, advancing technologies have lessened or eliminated these pesky limitations, or at least have the potential to, but we're not quite there yet.

I'm working on it. Come back soon for more musings on how UPNP, Mpd, PCM, TCP/IP, and some other sexy akronyms might help us (or at least me) win this battle.

So, thanks for reading, see you next time.

Disclaimer and Raison d'ĂȘtre (1 of ...)

Hi! Dear Reader, this is my first post here.

I fairly sure I'm not a great writer, and I'm 100% sure you'll find mistakes in spelling, grammar, and even content. My Form and Presentation will surely (hopefully) evolve over time.
Hints, corrections, optimizations of any form are gladly accepted. After all, one of the reasons I setup this blog is: "Knowledge that finds me"
I can not promise right now what kind of content you will find here, but I'll do my best to keep it rational, non-offensive, truthful, legal, et cetera. This is the part, where I hope the benefits of the "comments" functionality will kick in.
If you do comment on any my posts here, please try to use a similar 'tone' and stay on topic.
Though I welcome comments, and threads of comments on about anything here, I'd rather have long discussions with lots of comments about post content, than about which languages could have influenced my punctuation habits.

Having gotten that of my chest, I'm glad you're still with me.
I'm going to leave it at that for now. I invite you to come back soon, maybe you'll find your hot topic covered here. Maybe -once there is some content here- you can point me to a related hot topic :)

So, thanks for reading!